Fire Science - Community College of Philadelphia


Proceeded with specialized advance and extended accentuation ablaze avoidance, fire wellbeing and pre-fire arranging have made expanded requests for talented flame administration work force. The Fire Science educational modules is intended to serve the necessities of Philadelphia firefighters and volunteer firefighters seeking to advance in aptitude, expertise and rank. Philadelphia firefighters who procure the A.A.S. Degree in Fire Science get an extra half point on all Philadelphia Fire Department limited time examinations. The Fire Science Curriculum likewise serves understudies keen on getting to be fire security experts. They might work in pre-fire arranging or as flame code requirement officers, building auditors, fire security specialists and fashioners, fire anticipation gear deals delegates or specialized specialists, and fire wellbeing authorities or danger chiefs for organizations, school areas and government offices.

Program course offerings oblige differing plans. The system has a double affirmations concurrence with Holy Family University that permits our understudies fancying to proceed with their studies in flame science to exchange the majority of their credits there with ensured junior standing.

Understudy Learning Outcomes: 

Endless supply of this project graduates will have the capacity to:

  • Exhibit aptitudes required for administration in the flame administration or a position in a related field, for example, code authorization, pre-fire arranging, building review, hazard administration or crisis arranging. 
  • Exhibit their comprehension of fireground methodology and strategies, the word related dangers firefighters face and the wellbeing and security administration procedures accessible to lessen wounds. 
  • Articulate the prerequisites for flame identification and concealment frameworks in different sorts of structures. 
  • Set up a pre-fire arrangement for a building utilizing PC helped outline programming to draw floor and site arranges. 
  • Articulate their comprehension of the logical way to deal with flame examination and in addition the vital part that fire examination and flame counteractive action programs play in lessening a group's danger of flame. 
  • Show their comprehension of building development and risky materials.